Day: October 30, 2022


How Technology Affects the Sustainability of a Company

techsolutionstips is vital to the existence and competitive edge of any company. I believe that’s the great understatement of the year. Look at what technology allows us to do as compared to 30 years ago; now think back about five years. Companies continually leverage the capabilities of technology to gain that competitive edge in the […]

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The Importance of the Growth of Technology in India

Every country has to tread the path of abouttechinfo to become powerful and to elbow the others out of the way. One of those paths leads to technological and scientific progress. With the world coming to a position where everything is machine operated, technology is the key to becoming powerful and successful. Since India’s independence, […]

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The Promise of Technology is Intangible

techsmarthere-enabled solutions are intangible sales. People don’t buy the machine; they buy what it enables. Average sales people tend to perceive technology as a tangible, so they focus on the functionality. Exceptional sales people understand that customers only care about the results the technology enables, which is intangible. This difference in perception about the nature […]

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Best Technology Blogs For Real Tech Lovers

How do you keep up with the latest planetbesttech trends, gadgets and releases? Some people just have that one friend who calls them at strange hours of the night to let them know about a new game release that isn’t going to happen for another six month and some people spend a lot of time […]

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The Joys of Teaching Business Communication

Before taking up teaching at age 34, I had bestbusinesscommunity a police officer for a decade and during the last year or so in the police force had revised and modernised much of the internal communication methods. One such task involved a complete rewrite of the formal report, which regrettably always began, “I respectfully report […]

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