How would you like to have countless people clamoring for your un curso de milagros and willing to visit your Web site to buy them? How would you even like to presell your self-published book before they are finished? Most authors and entrepreneurs wait until their Web site is designed before they think about marketing their products on it. What a shame!
Let’s say someone expresses an interest in your book. You get all excited and say,”My book is about….” You mention the features such as tips in a book. You tell your fiction plot.or story. If the person is kind, he may hear a bit, but most people today including your agent, reader, publisher, bookseller or organization you want to speak for–all want concise reasons why they would buy your book. Remember they are thinking, “So what? Why should I buy your book?”
You don’t want to bore your prospective readers or turn them off with too much detail. What they want is a quick billboard visual of your book–your 30-60 second “tell and sell.”
Without your 30 Second “Tell and Sell” that strongly states the book title, audience, main benefit, and what makes your book unique, you will bore your visitor and lose that attention you need to entice him or her to take out their wallets and pay you on the spot.
Your “Tell and Sell” gives your book audience a reason to buy. The “Tell and Sell” is the shortest sales letter you will write. You can also use this one to two-sentence blurb at any business meeting or appointment where you only have a few seconds to impress. Speakers refer to it as an “elevator speech.” Coaches refer to it as your “defining statement.”
It’s best to know your sizzling title, unique selling points, preferred audience and benefits before you even write your book. But, even if your book is already out, you can still motivate endless book sales with your “Tell and Sell.”
Author tip: Be prepared to write five to seven versions until the best one emerges. Contact your friends and associates to vote on your best version. And, remember your “tell and sell” must be clear, compact, compelling and commercial.