What picture comes to mind when you think of your decorative concrete okc? A clean, organized space where your favorite man mobile lives and all other tools and man toys are in their place? Hardly likely. From my experience, most garages are living hells – dying for a garage solution of some meager proportion. At least that’s what my garage looked like.
A garage can be a scary place. Most of us start off parking our cars in our garage. Remember that? After all, the dictionary says that a garage is “a building or shed for housing a motor vehicle or vehicles.” But over time we kind of forget that – we buy a whole lot of tools and man toys that get lost and misplaced and thrown here and there.
Trust me, as an electrician and contractor, despite my best efforts, my garage just got out of control. It sort of just grew and grew and grew, like some wacko science fiction movie. It got to the point where I could hardly even move around the place.
And it’s not just my electrical equipment and tools, there’s the dreaded stuff. You know, stuff that the kids have outgrown. Stuff that’s kind of broken, but not enough to be thrown out and stuff to give away. My garage was crying out for some love, for some TLC.
And then, one day I had an epiphany. I started to visualize all the possibilities that this 20′ x 20′ piece of real estate could offer. So fellas, I put this to you… just IMAGINE… Imagine parking your car in the garage again. Now wouldn’t that be just great?
Imagine finding the tools you need when we need them without digging and searching for hours. I mean, I’ve had times when I just couldn’t find a tool and just got fed up of searching and bought another one.
Imagine being able to grab our bike and helmet to head out for a ride with a buddy or our family without having to move around a ton of other things first. Grab and go’s the way to go! Imagine: A garage that’s so neat and organized that your spouse is just gonna love you for it.
Well folks – I have to tell you that I have done the do and walked the talk. I finally got off my behind and after enough nagging and more nagging, and did I say nagging? I decided that this was going to be the year that I organized my garage. I found some really terrific garage solutions, like an overhead storage that got by bikes off the floor and gave me some more floor space.
My wife and I had a garage sale. Now that alone got rid of a whole lot of stuff and we made a few extra dollars in the process. And then I invested in one of those garage storage systems and gave my tools their very own super duper home. They’re happy and so am I. Now everything (well almost everything) is at my fingertips. And I almost forgot to mention the new garage shelving that I got… sweet. What I can say without a shadow of a doubt is that when I organized my garage I got loads more floor space and it is not so scary in there any more. And you know what else? It is not so stressful to go into my garage anymore.