Educational Tips for Government, Parents, Teachers and Students

EDUCATION! A word that animates my face whenever I hear it. According to Google, education is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs and habits. Well, to me, ucdm is the learning about new ideas, places and the world itself. There is a great difference between being literate and being educated; the ability to read and write is being literate while being educated is to be able to reason, to use your ability to read and write to your advantage. We ask ourselves sometimes, why is education important, education is very important in our day-to-day activities, I strongly believe that by the time you are through with this article, you would be able to see the importance of education.

First and foremost, being educated makes a person happy. An educated person has little or no job insecurity, no inferiority complex as he/she would be able to defend his/her word anywhere and anytime due to his well organized understanding of the world. Truly, education is not the key to happiness, but it is definitely the key to a lot of other things which come together to make you happy. Also, being educated gives the will to keep trying till you succeed. An uneducated person may have better intellectual and labour capacity, but there will be the lack of understanding of multiple ways to achieve their goals which is an obstacle.

Being educated also leads to economic growth of the nation. When the people of a nation are EDUCATED and not LITERATE, they would definitely carve ways to be self sufficient. When the people in a society are economically independent, it will serve as a stepping stone to combined productivity that leads to the economic growth of the nation as a whole. Countries like Russia, Canada, Japan, Israel and the United states have been ranked the 5 most educated countries in the world because of the percentage of people who went to school up to the tertiary level but the question is: are they really educated?

An educated person would be able to keep up with evolution. You can only keep up with evolution if you are aware of them. When I say evolution, I mean things like Whatsapp. Imagine what the world would be like without Whatsapp, Facebook, Nimbuzz, Skype, etc, since all these are made to simplify life.

Education makes one logical. An uneducated person would see evolution as an evil machinery. Remember, being educated does not mean you can’t read or write, it means you can’t apply your literacy in your day-to-day life. I was talking to a woman in my area and she was telling me that online shops like Jumia, Konga, etc are the devil’s machinery. Just think, does this mean this person can’t read or write, of course not, she can read and write but it just means she is uneducated. I had to take time to let her know that online shops makes shopping easier for a busy person and also the other benefits attached to it even though it has its own disadvantages like fraud, but only an uneducated person, mind you, I don’t mean an illiterate but an uneducated person that would be defrauded.

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